Comment by trojanfoe on dyld[3745]: Library not loaded:...
No, I meant that you need to look at the built app bundle in DerivedData to verify the .framework is there. Once you have verified that we can go through how to verify that rpath is set correctly in...
View ArticleComment by trojanfoe on Why application crashes after signing?
It might need to be notorized by Apple. Create an app password, zip-up the app using ditto -ck --rsrc --sequesterRsrc --keepParent /path/to/ and then try xcrun notarytool submit...
View ArticleComment by trojanfoe on Dictionary Creation Fails When Created From URL...
That's isn't JSON, it's URL-encoded JSON ("{\"key\":\"value\"}"). URL-decode it first.
View ArticleComment by trojanfoe on CMake failed to check C++ compiler with Visual Studio...
What does CMakeOutput.log and CMakeError.log tell you?
View ArticleComment by trojanfoe on GLFW in docker container through ssh
If there is no display connected then I doubt that OpenGL will work. You might make more progress switching to Vulkan (non-trivial, I know) which can work in headless mode.
View ArticleComment by trojanfoe on Watching new entries on Linux Syslog from a C program
@Peter-ReinstateMonica I think you meant to tag the OP instead of me?
View ArticleComment by trojanfoe on cmake -g flag not generating 'DWARF with dSym file'...
@IceFire I'd like to know that too. I could use Xcode to build for macOS, but I'd rather use Ninja on all platforms if possible.
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for Memory leak line
It's not a line of code; it should be 3:#if defined(DEBUG) | defined (_DEBUG)_CrtSetDbgFlag (_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_OF | CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_OF);#endifEDIT: This question changed several times after I...
View ArticleBetter way of incrementing build number?
I have been using a shell script as part of my Xcode build process to increment the build number within the plist file, however it's making Xcode 4.2.1 crash frequently (with an error about the target...
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for Visual Studio: How to "Copy to Output Directory"...
To add my hat into the ring here, if you want to include a whole directory of content and you don't want to track each individual file in Visual Studio, then you can add this in your project file (for...
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for How can I get the _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ address in my...
This appears to work:// test.c#include <stdio.h>extern void *_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_;int main(){ printf("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE = %p\n", &_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_); return 0;}In order to get...
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for Objective-C. Block that returns a string and printing...
You are not actually calling the block, which you do with ():NSString* (^greetings)(void) = ^{ return @"Hello Everyone";};NSLog(@"%@", greetings()); ^^
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for push an 'unchecked out' branch
Simply:git push origin feature:featureOr shorter:git push origin feature
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for dyld: Library not loaded ... Reason: Image not found
Find all the boost libraries (where exefile is the name of your executable):$ otool -L exefileexefile: @executable_path/libboost_something.dylib (compatibility version 0.7.0, current version 0.7.0)...
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for How to validate and send the data to another page in...
See Send data to a new screen in the Flutter cookbook.
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for Getting NSString from char * (Converting C's...
To create an NSString from a const char *, simply use these methods:Returns an autoreleased object:/** * Should be wrapped in `@autoreleasepool {...}`, * somewhere not far in call-stack * (as closer...
View ArticleBest Practice for testing Managed Buffers?
On Macs with discrete graphics cards, Managed buffers should be used instead of Shared Buffers, however there are additional requirements to maintain synchronisation using...
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for Can we implement metal framework in CPP
Apple provide metal-cpp which provides direct access to the Metal API from C++. One downside appears to be that manual reference counting must be used, like the bad old days. This is probably not much...
View ArticleAnswer by trojanfoe for Is there any possibility of using C++ directly with...
Yes! Apple now provide an official Metal C++ wrapper.This download also provides C++ wrappers for some Foundation and QuartzCore classes as well, however it's not obvious how you are supposed to...
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